Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP)

What is an RDSP?

A Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) is a tax-sheltered savings account designed to help Canadians with disabilities and their families save for their long-term financial security.

Compared to most individuals, people who live with severe and prolonged impairments have higher healthcare and living expenses.  An RDSP can be an effective way to cover these costs and feel greater peace of mind.

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Benefits of an RDSP

Tax-deferred growth

Investments in an RDSP grow on a tax-deferred basis while the funds are in the account. This means you don’t pay tax on investment earnings while the money is inside the RDSP, although the investment earnings are taxable when withdrawn from the plan.

Government contributions

To help you save even more, the federal government offers matching grants and bonds for qualifying families, up to specific limits.

Spending Flexibility

RDSP are designed to support future healthcare expenses, retirement income, and other living costs, but they aren't required to be used for any specific purpose and can be used for anything the beneficiary needs.

Who is eligible for an RDSP?

RDSPs are available to Canadian residents who are under the age of 60, who have a valid Social Insurance Number and are approved for the federal Disability Tax Credit.

Who can open an RDSP?

The plan beneficiary is the person who will use the funds. The plan holder is the person who opens and manages the plan on the beneficiary’s behalf. The plan holder is often the beneficiary’s parent, legal guardian or caregiver, or the beneficiary themselves.

You can open and manage your own RDSP if you’re an adult (age 18 or 19, depending on your province) and capable of managing your own finances independently.

RDSP contributions

Who can contribute to an RDSP?

Anyone can make RDSP contributions as long as they have the plan holder's written permission to do so. A financial advisor can help you make arrangements to provide permission as needed.

RDSP contribution rules and limits

There is no annual limit for RDSP contributions, and you can contribute a lifetime maximum of $200,000 to the RDSP. You can make contributions to the plan until December 31st of the year that the beneficiary turns 59.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s next?

Ask a financial advisor if an RDSP is the right solution for your unique situation.

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