portrait of Jeff Honig

About Jeff

What is it you most desire – a real estate purchase, world travel, an early retirement?

When we work together, the first thing we'll do is explore your goals (all of them – the big ones and the small ones), clearly define them, make them actionable and prioritize them. Because if you don't identify a goal, you'll certainly never achieve it.

It's your goals – along with the opportunities and challenges that are unique to you and your family – that will guide us to the investments that make sense for you. I don't believe in cookie cutter portfolios. And...

Work History

  • Edward JonesAugust 2018 to Current


  • University of CalgaryBachelors

Personal Interests

  • Outdoor Enthusiast
  • Fishing
  • Golfing
  • Mountain Biking
  • Rock Climbing

Team Members

  • Amaris Bourdeau
    Branch Office Administrator

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Office Information


Office Hours
Mon 08:30AM - 05:00PM
Tue 08:30AM - 05:00PM
Wed 08:30AM - 05:00PM
Thu 08:30AM - 05:00PM
Fri 08:30AM - 05:00PM
Sat By Appointment Only
Sun Closed

More to explore

My priorities

What are your priorities?

Need help determining what your financial priorities are? The "My Priorities" quiz can help.

Take the quiz

Setting your path

We use an established process to help you reach your goals.

Learn More