Pre-authorized transactions

Electronic funds transfer (EFT)

It is now possible for you to allow your financial advisor to set up instructions on your Edward Jones account that allow for the transfer of funds directly from your Edward Jones account to that of another financial institution. This is an efficient and convenient way to move funds in and out of your Edward Jones account and can be done in either Canadian or U.S. dollars.

Features include:

  • Transfer of any dollar amount
  • Transfer Canadian or U.S. dollars within Canadian financial institutions
  • Processed within 48 hours
  • Easy to set up and execute
  • No fees

Pre-authorized debit (PAD)

Now you can set up a service that allows for automatic withdrawals from an account at another financial institution to be deposited right into your Edward Jones account. This service provides you with a seamless way to move funds directly into your Edward Jones account, on a regular basis, without ever having to go to the bank or your Edward Jones office.

Features include:

  • Regular, hassle-free, systematic withdrawals
  • Fixed amount withdrawals that allow for better budgeting
  • Flexibility with regards to frequency of withdrawals (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.)
  • A great, straight-forward savings strategy
  • No fees

Income account generator (IAG)

If you are interested in accessing your investment income as soon as it is credited to your Edward Jones account, IAG might be right for you. This service is set up so that a set amount is transferred to a non-Edward Jones account, on a regular basis, enabling you the access you need, right when you need it.

Features include:

  • Automatically transfer dividends and interest income to any specified non-Edward Jones account
  • Convenient way for you to obtain a steady flow of ongoing income
  • No fees

Money transfer service (Bill pay)

Did you know that it’s not necessary to send a cheque to Edward Jones to fund your account? Now you can transfer funds electronically from your bank to your account to trade, make an RRSP or RESP contribution – or for anything at all.

Features include:

  • 24- to 48-hour processing time
  • You maintain complete control of every transfer
  • Options that enable you to complete regular transfers or complete them on a transaction-by-transaction basis
  • No minimum or maximum amounts are required
  • Simple, automatic way to save and invest
  • No fees
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