I am retired. What should I prepare for when it comes to the unexpected?

 A senior couple sit together on a dock.

You’ve worked hard to prepare for retirement, so let's help to make sure it's protected. We can help you with the right strategy, so you can avoid dipping into your retirement savings to pay for unexpected expenses.

If you purchased life insurance years ago, it may be time for a review. If you no longer have earned income, the kids are on their own and the mortgage is paid off, don’t continue to pay for life insurance that was designed to cover those needs. As your life changes, your insurance needs will change as well. Your financial advisor can look at your entire financial picture and help you determine how much life insurance makes sense for your current situation.

Basically, you can either save for risks or insure against them. A good rule of thumb is to insure items that are too expensive to replace – like your income and your health.

Your health

A large medical bill can quickly derail your retirement plan, so it’s critical to keep your health insurance through your employer or another source.

And don’t forget about long-term care. Many people assume the provincial government will cover these bills, but you shouldn't count on it. You need to decide whether you want to incorporate these potential costs into your retirement expenses or insure against them with long-term care insurance. Either way, don’t ignore them – a costly medical need could quickly derail your retirement strategy.

And don't forget about helping to protect your savings

You've worked hard to be able to live the life you want, whether that includes volunteering, spending more with your family or working at something you enjoy. Don't let an unexpected liability drain your resources that were dedicated to retirement.

How we can help

Your Edward Jones financial advisor can help you develop a strategy that’s tailored to your needs and help protect against the unexpected.

Important Information:

Insurance and annuities are offered by Edward Jones Insurance Agency (except in Québec). In Québec, insurance and annuities are offered by Edward Jones Insurance Agency (Québec) Inc.