Investing in your 40s

 A woman smiles in a brightly-lit glass office building.

While the present may look pretty good right now, this is an excellent time to look toward the future, especially where your family is concerned. Let’s break it down chronologically:


At your age, retirement can seem like a lifetime away – but it’s closer than you think. While you may have a good 20 to 25 years until retirement, during that time frame, the cost of living can double, assuming a 3% inflation rate.

Don’t assume you’ll need less money when you retire. Instead, think about your ideal retirement lifestyle – and then be realistic about what it might cost. Once you have a financial goal in mind, you can work with your financial advisor to develop a strategy to get there.

Make sure your strategy includes a few “contingency plans”. For example, what would happen to your family financially if you were suddenly unable to provide for them? How would they replace your income or pay someone else to take care of what you do for them daily? Life insurance and disability insurance can help provide those protections – but you’ll want the coverage that’s right for you right now. Your financial advisor can discuss options with you.

Your kids

Did you know that it can cost nearly $250,000 to raise a child born in 2013 to age 18?* That’s a lot of food, clothing and shelter. But what often comes after age 18? Post-secondary education – and all the expenses that come with it.

If you plan to send your kids to college or university someday, you’ll want to be prepared for the costs. Basically, you have three options:

  1. Scholarships, which can be few and far between
  2. Loans, which charge interest
  3. Personal savings

Your third option might save you money in the long run because the more you’re able to save now, the less you may need to borrow later. Not only that, but the government will match a portion of your education savings contributed to an RESP account providing even greater returns. Talk to your Edward Jones financial advisor about what options work best for you and your family.

Your parents

Sooner or later, you may find your roles reversed, with you caring for your parents

If your parents are healthy and active, now is a great time to sit down with them to discuss some important issues. For example, if you were suddenly put in charge, would you know who to contact? Their doctors, lawyers, financial advisors – these are all good names to keep handy. What about their insurance policies, bills and other important papers, such as a Will or health care directive? If you believe your parents will come to you someday for help, you’ll want to get this information on file now to help reduce stress later.

The bottom line

You can make your money count for today and work toward tomorrow. Your financial advisor has the tools to help you set up a strategy that can help you get where you want to be. Contact your Edward Jones financial advisor today.

Katherine Tierney

Katherine Tierney is a Senior Retirement Strategist on the Client Needs Research team at Edward Jones. The Client Needs Research team develops and communicates advice and guidance for client needs, including retirement, education, preparing for the unexpected and leaving a legacy. Katherine has more than 15 years of financial services and retirement experience. She is a contributor to Edward Jones Perspectives and has been quoted in various publications.

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Important Information:

Insurance and annuities are offered by Edward Jones Insurance Agency (except in Québec). In Québec, insurance and annuities are offered by Edward Jones Insurance Agency (Québec) Inc.