Account agreements
Not sure which account type(s) you have? Check with your financial advisor.
Client Account Agreements
Individual Retirement Account Disclosures
- Declaration of Trust (PDF) RSP, Spousal RSP and LIRA/LRSP
- Declaration of Trust (PDF) TFSA
- Declaration of Trust (PDF) LIF, LRIF, RLIF, PRIF
- Ontario Addendum for a Locked-in Retirement Account (PDF) LIRA
- Ontario Addendum for a Locked-in Income Fund (PDF) LIF
- Alberta Addendum for a Locked-in Retirement Account (PDF) LIRA
- Alberta Addendum for Life Income Fund (PDF) LIF
- British Columbia for a Locked-in Retirement Account (PDF) LIRA
- British Columbia for Life Income Fund (PDF) LIF
- Schedule 4: Nova Scotia LIF Addendum (PDF) LIF
Investment Advisory Program Agreements